[In 2010], I wrote about a potentially exciting movement supported by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron. This was branded as the “Big Society,” and it promised that the central government was going to distribute political authority from itself to the local level. It consisted of several programs to assist local councils in taking on additional responsibilities that were currently being handled at the central level. The idea was that the common citizen, working with local government, would be capable of dealing with local issues and would no longer be dependent on the central government to deal with every problem. If it could be handled at a local level, the local level would be empowered to handle it. This was not a fully distributist plan, but it had the potential to be a step in that direction.
03 December, 2012
08 October, 2012
“They say it is Utopian, and they are right. They say it is idealistic, and they are right. They say it is quixotic, and they are right. It deserves every name that will indicate how completely they have driven justice out of the world.”
– G. K. Chesterton
01 August, 2012
29 April, 2012
04 February, 2012
A Review of All the Devils Are Here
All the Devils Are Here,
by Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera, is a fascinating look at the
principle players who brought about the financial crisis of 2008. It
reveals the motives and mistakes made over the course of a decade by
those who were entrusted with running the largest financial corporations
of the world as well as those who were entrusted with regulating them.
It explodes the myth that the market is self-regulating in a way that
will result in what is best for all. It also explodes the myth that
centralized regulation of huge corporate interests will protect the
average citizen from corporate greed. I can’t imagine too many Austrian
or Keyensian capitalists would truly like what is revealed in this work,
for both sides can only defend their positions by ignoring half of what
these authors have uncovered and presented for us.